Can You Bring Aerosol Cans On A Plane?

When it comes to air travel, understanding the rules and restrictions for packing personal items is crucial. One category of items that often raises questions is aerosols. Aerosols include a variety of products like deodorants, hair sprays, and certain medicinal products, and they are typically housed in pressurized cans.

Due to their unique properties, specific rules apply to bringing aerosols onto a plane. These rules, set by entities such as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the U.S. or the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for international flights, aim to ensure the safety of all passengers and the aircraft. From size and quantity limits to packing guidelines, familiarizing yourself with these regulations can help ensure a smooth, hassle-free journey.

can you bring aerosol cans on a plane

Aerosols on USA Domestic Flights

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), aerosols are subject to certain restrictions and conditions when carried on flights within the United States. These rules are designed to prevent accidents related to pressure changes or potential flammability.

  • Carry-On Luggage: Aerosols that are classified as toiletries for personal care or medicinal purposes are allowed in carry-on baggage. These must be 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less and should fit in a one-quart-sized, clear plastic, zip-top bag.
  • Checked Luggage: Aerosols in checked luggage are allowed, as long as they are not classified as hazardous materials. The overall limit is 70 ounces (2 liters) per passenger.
  • Exceptions: Certain aerosols such as bear repellents, pepper sprays, and tear gas are strictly prohibited from both carry-on and checked luggage.

Toiletries –

Flammable Aerosol –

Flying with Aerosol Internationally

Navigating the regulations around flying with aerosols can be a challenging task due to varying international standards. Here, we will help you understand the general rules and regulations about carrying aerosols on international flights.

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Guidelines

The IATA provides guidelines for carrying aerosols on international flights. These can be categorized based on whether the aerosol is in your carry-on or checked luggage.

  • aerosol on a planeCarry-On Luggage:
    • Aerosols categorized as personal toiletries or medicinal items are generally allowed.
    • Each aerosol can should be 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less.
    • All toiletries, including aerosols, should fit in a one-quart-sized, clear, zip-top bag.
  • Checked Luggage:
    • Non-flammable, non-toxic aerosols for sports or home use can generally be packed in checked luggage.
    • The total net quantity of non-radioactive medicinal or toiletry articles and non-flammable, non-toxic aerosols must not exceed 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger.
  • Prohibited Aerosols:
    • Aerosols that are flammable or could affect the safety of the aircraft are not allowed. This includes aerosols such as spray paint or self-defense sprays.

Country-Specific Regulations

Keep in mind that specific countries may have stricter regulations about what can and cannot be brought into the country, including aerosols.

  • Australia: Aerosols containing a flammable propellant are not permitted in either checked or carry-on luggage.
  • Canada: Most aerosols are permitted in checked luggage, but they are subject to restrictions in carry-on luggage.
  • European Union: Aerosols in carry-on luggage must follow the liquid restrictions of 100 ml per item, all fitting into a 1 liter clear plastic bag.

Can you bring aerosols on a plane in Canada?

Can you take aerosols on a plane in Europe?

Can you take aerosols on a plane in the UK?

Can you take aersols in hand luggage on flights in Australia?

Can you take aersols in hand luggage on flights in New Zealand?

Airline-Specific Regulations

Different airlines may also have specific regulations concerning the transport of aerosols. Always check your airline’s baggage policy before packing aerosols.

  • British Airways: Aerosols for sporting or home use are allowed in checked luggage, while toiletries or medicinal aerosols of 100 ml or less are allowed in carry-on luggage.
  • Emirates: Aerosols in checked baggage must not exceed 2 kg or 2 liters in total, with no single item exceeding 0.5 kg or 0.5 liters.
  • Delta Airlines: Aerosols in carry-on must follow the 3-1-1 liquid rule. Aerosols in checked baggage are limited to 70 ounces per passenger.

Air New Zealand –

Can you take aersols on a plane in Asia?

While these guidelines can give you a general understanding of the regulations surrounding aerosols on international flights, it’s important to review the specific rules of your airline and your destination country before packing. Always prioritize safety and abide by the rules to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.

How to Pack Aerosol in Your Luggage

Whether you’re packing deodorant, hairspray, or sunscreen, it’s important to know how to properly pack aerosols for your flight. Let’s take a look at some best practices for packing aerosols in both your carry-on and hold luggage.

Packing Aerosol in Your Carry-On Luggage

aerosol hand luggageCarrying aerosols in your carry-on luggage requires careful packing due to liquid and size restrictions. Here are some tips:

  • Size Matters: Aerosol cans in your carry-on bag must be 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or smaller, according to TSA regulations.
  • Use a Clear Bag: Unlike nail clippers, tweezers, hair dryers, candles, curling irons, all aerosols, along with any other liquids, gels, or creams, should be packed in a single, clear, quart-sized, zip-top bag.
  • Packing: Place the aerosol can upright in the bag to reduce the risk of accidental release of the contents.
  • Double-Check: Before packing, ensure the aerosol’s cap is secure, and there’s no chance of it accidentally spraying.

Packing Aerosol in Your Hold Luggage

When packing aerosols in your checked (hold) luggage, you have a bit more flexibility, but just the same as when travelling with trekking poles, safety should still be a priority. Here are some guidelines:

  • Quantity: In general, you can pack larger quantities of aerosols in checked luggage than in carry-on. However, per passenger, there’s usually a 70-ounce (2 liters) limit.
  • Protection: Aerosols should be packed in a way that protects them from being punctured or leaking. Using a padded bag or wrapping them in clothing can provide extra protection.
  • Secure the Lid: Make sure the aerosol’s cap is secure and cannot be easily pressed, causing unintentional spraying.
  • Flammable Aerosols: Be aware that flammable aerosols, such as spray paint, are typically prohibited in checked luggage.
  • Exceptions: Certain aerosols, like self-defense sprays, are often not allowed in either checked or carry-on luggage.

Proper packing of aerosols can help prevent accidents, leaks, and issues with security checks. Always review the guidelines provided by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and your specific airline for the most accurate and current information on packing aerosols for your trip.

FAQ’s for Taking Aerosol Cans on a Plane

Frequently asked questions about taking aerosols on a plane often revolve around the types of aerosols allowed, quantity limitations, and packing methods. Passengers commonly inquire about the differences in regulations for carry-on versus checked luggage, as the rules can significantly vary. There are also questions about specific types of aerosols like personal care products, medicinal sprays, or self-defense sprays. Other common queries address the variability in regulations among international flights, different airlines, and specific country restrictions. Understanding these FAQ’s can help passengers pack aerosols appropriately and avoid potential inconveniences during security checks.

Q: Can I bring aerosols in my carry-on luggage?

A: Yes, you can bring aerosols in your carry-on luggage, but they must be 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less and must fit in a one-quart-sized, clear, zip-top bag.

Q: Are there size restrictions for aerosols in my checked luggage?

A: There is typically no size restriction for aerosols in checked luggage, but there is a 70 ounces (2 liters) limit per passenger for all aerosols.

Q: Can I bring aerosols like hair spray or deodorant on a plane?

A: Yes, personal care items such as hair spray or deodorant are generally allowed in both carry-on and checked luggage, following the size and quantity restrictions.

Q: Are self-defense aerosols allowed on a plane?

A: No, aerosols like bear sprays, pepper sprays, and tear gas are strictly prohibited from both carry-on and checked luggage.

Q: Can I bring medicinal aerosols on a plane?

A: Yes, medicinal aerosols can usually be carried in both carry-on and checked luggage. They should follow the same size and quantity restrictions.

Q: Are there specific rules for international flights regarding aerosols?

A: Yes, international flights often have similar rules to domestic flights, but they might vary depending on the airline and the destination country. Always check these specific regulations before your flight.

Q: Can I bring flammable aerosols on a plane?

A: Generally, flammable aerosols are not allowed on planes due to safety concerns. This includes aerosols such as spray paint.

Q: How should I pack aerosols in my luggage?

A: Aerosols should be packed upright, with the cap securely fastened to prevent accidental discharge. In checked luggage, they should be packed in a way that prevents puncturing.

Q: What happens if I bring an aerosol that is larger than the permitted size?

A: If an aerosol exceeds the permitted size, it will likely be confiscated at the security checkpoint.

Q: Do all airlines follow the same rules regarding aerosols?

A: Most airlines follow similar guidelines, often based on TSA or IATA regulations, but there can be differences. Always check the specific rules of the airline you are flying with.

Packing Up – Flying With Aerosol

In conclusion, taking aerosols on a plane is entirely possible but requires adherence to specific rules and regulations. For carry-on luggage, aerosols must be 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less, and they must fit in a single, clear, quart-sized, zip-top bag along with any other liquids. The rules for hold luggage or checked baggage are more lenient, allowing for larger aerosols, though there’s typically a total limit of 70 ounces (2 liters) per passenger. It’s also important to remember that certain aerosols, such as flammable ones or self-defense sprays, are usually prohibited. The regulations can vary depending on the airline and the country, so it’s always wise to check the specific rules before your flight. By understanding and adhering to these regulations, you can ensure a smoother travel experience.